My Blog (and why I'm writing it)

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I started this blog as a way to communite with my grandchildren (and children too!). I never asked my Grandma Sands alot of questions growing up and I wish I had. So I think I'll just write some funny stuff and some interesting things on here and I hope you like it!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Home Sweet Wisconsin

I'm home from the Dominican Republic and we had a great time. The big earthquake in Haiti was on the same island but out side of the island was not affected at all. It was hard to believe that such destruction was happening not that far from us.

The weather was warm and windy and very humid. We spent alot of time on the beach reading books. The food was excellent and we probably ate too much. We met some fun people while we were there.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Finally

Hi kids! Well, we finally got to have our family Christmas. Sure was a good time. But - we missed Uncle Chris and Fran!! Here are a few of the good and the bad pictures from the weekend. Grandma and Grandpa love all their presents - I hope you have fun shopping with your "credit cards"!!
Here is Brody squeezing the life out of Ella and Brody...I don't think Evan was too happy about it.
Ella and Alex helped grandma by peeling the eggs. They did a great job.
Some of our snacks - yummy.
Here are the girls - Alex, Ella and Cassidy - they are wondering where Fran is :(
This is one of the bad photos - I was trying to get Brody to make a face for a picture. He did, but then turned away before it snapped. So it's just me looking goofy with the back of Brody's head.
Brett and Jason helped with the turkey dinner. They made fun of me for making so many potatoes - ha ha, the joke was on them. We didn't have very many left!!
The boys making faces - it's always easy to get them to make silly faces.

Here's Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids - everybody is smiling!! :)
Look at THIS picture - it's a good one of everyone - yay. Grandma got her wish for a good family picture..if only Chris and Fran had been able to be here.
Here's Grandma in her new hat - I wanted something with fur so I could go out to check the tip ups in style - I got my wish - it's really warm too.
Grandma and Uncle Jason with the fish they caught.

I sure had fun and hope everyone else did too.
Love, Grandma Chrissy