My Blog (and why I'm writing it)

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I started this blog as a way to communite with my grandchildren (and children too!). I never asked my Grandma Sands alot of questions growing up and I wish I had. So I think I'll just write some funny stuff and some interesting things on here and I hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Florida and Back

It has been sooooo long since I have blogged. I guess I ran out of things to say for awhile or I was really busy. But I wanted to tell you about what I just accomplished. I drove to Florida and back by myself. Now I know this isn't the first time anyone has driven a long distance alone, but for someone who used to be nervous taking Clairemont Avenue in Eau Claire in my 20s, it was a big deal. This is what I learned along the way:

1. It would have been cheaper to fly. Gas was between $3.59 and $3.99 a gallon and with the cost of hotel rooms for four nights, well you do the math.
2. Illinois is BORING.
3. Tennessee is beautiful.
4. Southern Georgia is wall to wall billboards, big ones, one right after the other, but it gives you something to look at while driving.
5. You can't avoid driving through Atlanta or Nashville, but try to do it on a Sunday. I counted 10 lanes on each side while driving through Atlanta in bumper to bumper traffic.
6. There is a Cracker Barrel, a McDonald's, and a Waffle House every five miles, I swear to God.
7. I like staying at Holiday Inn Express
8. I would move to Florida for Bealls and Bealls Outlet stores alone.
9. I had a peek at my future at the Elks Club in Florida for a Friday Night Fish Fry. I was easily the youngest woman there. But those older folks can DANCE!!!
10. I was the only person on the dance floor that couldn't do the Electric Slide. Note to self, learn it before going back.
11. There is a Grundy County in Tennessee and a Butts county in Georgia :)

Love, Gram